Don't, Do's & How To's

Guide to Fixed Candles

candles fixed candles spells

Candle work is probably my favorite form of magic. A fixed candle paired with a good Spirit bath on a full moon... *chefs kiss*. Fixed candles are candles that have have been ritually prepared and dressed with certain oils, crystals, herbs and roots. The candle color and recipe varies depending on your intention.    Here's a quick cheat sheet for what I use according to intention: Protection: Black, clear quartz, Chile de arbolPower: Red, high join root, carnelianLove: Pink/Red, basil, rose quartzRoad Opener: Yellow/Orange, obsidian, cinnamonPeace/Court Case: Blue, chamomile, lapis lazuli Money: Green, rose of Jericho clippings, and citrine.White: Universal purposes, good for...

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Beginner's Guide to Ancestor Altars

Ancestor altars are vital in our spiritual journeys as well as our spiritual & physical protection. By setting up an ancestor altar, you are honoring those who came before you for centuries! Can you imagine the relentless and passionate ancestor Spirits you have just waiting to get to work? Altars don’t have to be extravagant on day 1, start off simple and add your own personal altar tools over time. An easy way to start is by honoring the elements; Water: A cup of fresh, cool water. The more cups the better, switch them out weekly. Spirits been parched, get...

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How to do an Egg Limpia / Cleanse

Spiritual Cleansing

A simple and very necessary part of your spiritual practice and hygiene. You will need:    An egg (room temp) A glass (that you'll only use for this purpose) Salt (sea salt is preferred, but whatever is available works)   You can do this at any time, but I like to do these on a Sunday or a Monday. Definitely want to include this at beginning of each month and ahead of New Years Day. Do this ritual alone, unless you're performing it on someone else.  ** Rule of thumb when doing any form of cleansing, crack open a window so that the bad...

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